Conferences: International

- 国際学会


Suzuki M,  Fujisawa H, Suzuki H, Murakami K

A kinesiological Study of Lateral Step-up, Step-down, and Side-step Motion in Healthy Subjects

WCPT congress 2019


Suzuki H, Wagatsuma K,  Suzuki M, Murakami K, Fujisawa H

Kinematic Analysis of Physical Therapists' Handling Skills

WCPT congress 2019





Suzuki M, Fukuda M, Suzuki H, Kawakami S, Murakami K,Fujisawa H

Motor coordination between eyes and body segments during turning tasks in the sitting and standing positions

ACPT Congress 2016


Suzuki H, Kawakami S, Tomizawa Y, Fujisawa H

Motor learning effect of the body handling in physical therapy with a reaching task

ACPT Congress 2016




Fujisawa H, Takahashi R, Kanda M, Sugawara M, Naito C, Yasuda M, Suzuki H, Suzuki M

A study on the formation   of center of gravity trajectory during sit-to-stand motion with asymmetrical foot placement.

World Congress of  Physical Therapy 2015




Fujisawa H, Suzuki H, Nishiyama T, Suzuki M, Takeda R

Comparison between double-leg heel raise and walking in ankle plantar flexor activity

Proceeding of 20thcongress of the international society of electrophysiology and kinesiology


Suzuki H, Fujisawa H, Honma H, Suzuki M, Murakami K

Cardiorespiratory response and muscle activity during backward walking at slow speed

Proceeding of 20thcongress of the international society of electrophysiology and kinesiology




Suzuki H,Fujisawa H

Motor learning effect of implicit learning in physical therapy

WCPT-AWP & ACPT Congress 2013


Takahashi K, Nishiyama T, Onobe J, Suzuki H, Fujisawa H

Relationship between walking strategy and cardiopulmonary function

WCPT-AWP & ACPT Congress 2013